You're able to use, track, and view promo code usage via the SpeedETab and Toast POS integration. Here's how:
Step 1: Log into your Toast portal.
Step 2: Navigate to the 'Payments' Section and select 'Discounts'
Step 3: Select "Add a Discount"
Step 4: For "Name of discount" please use the same name for the promotional code that was submitted to SpeedETab in Step 1.
Step 5: Set "Discount Type" to Open Discount.
Step 6: Set "Discount Value Off" to Currency ($).
Step 7: Set "Applies to" to Check.
Step 8: Save.
Step 9: Follow the standard steps for SpeedETab's Promotional Code Request. You can read more about this process here. Make sure to include the 18 digit GUID code for your new promo code from Toast within your form.