What is a promotional code?
Promotional (promo) codes are strings of alphanumeric characters (often descriptive of the promotion) that a merchant provides to customers to provide a unique discount or special. Promo codes are often used as a marketing tactic to incentivize purchases from a brand in general, or even purchases for a specific location, item, or timeframe.
What parameters are used for promotional codes?
Promotional codes follow a set of required fields:
- Promotional Code Name: This will be the string of characters used for the promotion. For example, if Timmy's Tacos wanted to implement a promotional code for $3 of an order, they might use 'TIMMYS3' as their promotional code name. Once a Promotional Code Name has been used, it may not be used for another promotion.
- Promotional Code Description: This is the description of the promotion that will appear once a user enters the promotional code name. In the Timmy's Tacos example, this might say, "Get $3 off your order."
- Location(s): The name of the locations where this promotion will be applicable. Some merchants may request for promotions to apply only to a single location, while others may apply to multiple.
- Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss TIME ZONE): The date and time at which you'd like the promotion to begin.
- Stop Date (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss TIME ZONE ): The date and time at which you'd like the promotion to end.
- Budget Cap: This is the maximum amount of dollars a merchant wishes to make available for redemption. This may be uncapped.
- Minimum Customer Spend: The required amount a customer must spend in order to receive the promotion. This may be $0 if there is no minimum. For example, Timmy's Tacos may wish to implement a promotion that gives $3 off your order if you spend $10 or more. In this example, the minimum spend would be $10.
- Discount Type: Discounts may be given in a dollar amount ($) or a percentage amount (%).
- Discount Amount: The amount of the discount in either dollars ($) or percent (%).
- Discount Level: Discounts may be given at the check level (total) or the menu item level. Timmy's Tacos may wish to offer $3 off the total check amount, or they may specify $3 off the Fish Tacos.
- Minimum User Venue Orders: A user must have at least this many orders to be eligible for the promotion. This may be set to 0. For example, Timmy's Tacos may want to limit their promotion to any user that has placed 10 orders or more at their location, they may set this value to 10.
- Maximum User Venue Orders: A user must not have more than this many orders to be eligible for the promotion. If Timmy's Tacos wanted to offer a promotional code to only first time users at a specific venue, this value would be set to 0.
- Minimum User Orders: A user must have at least this many orders across all of a merchant's venues to be eligible for the promotion. This may be set to 0. For example, Timmy's Tacos may want to limit their promotion to any user that has placed 10 orders or more at all of their locations combined, they may set this value to 10.
- Maximum User Orders: A user must not have more than this many orders across all of a merchant's venues to be eligible for the promotion. If Timmy's Tacos wanted to offer a promotional code to only first time users, this value would be set to 0.
- Maximum Redemptions Per User: The amount of times a user may use this promotional code. This may be set to 1 for single use, or set to a high value for repeated usage.
- GUID Code: Corresponding code for promotional codes for Toast POS integration clients. If not leveraging this integration, please input N/A. For more on promotional codes for Toast integration clients, click here.
How do I request/implement a promotional code?
To request a promotional code, please send an email to support@speedetab.com with Subject: "Promotional Code Request" and your location name. Promotional code requests should be provided with 48 hour notice prior to the Start Date.
Where do users enter the promotional code?
Upon checking out, users may select the "Add Promo Code" button from the app. This action will bring them to a new screen allowing them to enter and apply the promotional code to their transaction.