Offering free items/discounts at your location can be helpful for launch campaigns, advertising new menu offerings, or driving extra ordering traffic. Promo codes can be easily created directly from the SpeedETab Dashboard.
Here's how to pull a create a promo code on SpeedETab:
1. Navigate to the SpeedETab Dashboard and sign in with your SpeedETab account. (If you do not remember your account password, you can reset it here.)
2. Click on the Promo Code tab on the left toolbar. This should bring you to a list of promotions for your venue (if any).
3. Click the New Promo Code button in the top left. This should bring you to the promo code creation page.
When creating your promotion, please understand that promo codes can be created for two types of discounts:
- % Off (i.e. 20% off or 100% off (free))
- $ Off (i.e. $5 off)
To create a % off promo code:
1. Enter a code, description, and % off value.
- Code: The name of the code to be entered for the discount
- Description: The description of the code shown to the user.
- Discount (Percent): The % off amount the customer is going to get. (For 20% off, enter 20.)
To create a $ off promo code:
1. Enter a code, description, and $ off value.
- Code: The name of the code to be entered for the discount
- Description: The description of the code shown to the user.
- Discount (Flat): The $ off amount the customer is going to get. (For $5 off, enter 5.)
Code, Description, and Discount (Flat)/Discount (Percent) are the only 3 required fields. However, please use the remaining fields (below) to limit your promo code:
- Venues: If the discount should only be available at one location for your brand, please select only the venues where the discount applies.
- Order Minimum: The required amount a customer must spend in order to receive the promotion. This may be $0 if there is no minimum.
- Limit Budget: This is the maximum amount of dollars a merchant wishes to make available for redemption. This may be uncapped.
- Minimum User Venue Orders: A user must have at least this many orders to be eligible for the promotion. This may be set to 0. For example, Timmy's Tacos may want to limit their promotion to any user that has placed 10 orders or more at their location, they may set this value to 10.
- Maximum User Venue Orders: A user must not have more than this many orders to be eligible for the promotion. If Timmy's Tacos wanted to offer a promotional code to only first time users at a specific venue, this value would be set to 0.
- Minimum User Orders: A user must have at least this many orders across all of a merchant's venues to be eligible for the promotion. This may be set to 0. For example, Timmy's Tacos may want to limit their promotion to any user that has placed 10 orders or more at all of their locations combined, they may set this value to 10.
- Maximum User Orders: A user must not have more than this many orders across all of a merchant's venues to be eligible for the promotion. If Timmy's Tacos wanted to offer a promotional code to only first time users, this value would be set to 0.
- Max Redeems: Maximum total number of uses for the promo code.
- Max Redeems by User: Maximum total number of users of the promo code by a single user.
- Valid From: The date and time at which you'd like the promotion to begin.
- Valid To: The date and time at which you'd like the promotion to end.
The most popularly used limitations on promo codes are Max Redeems by User (1 - this only allows each user to use a code once) and Valid To (12/1/2020 - this would only allow the code to be redeemed until 12/1/2020).
If you would like the promo code to apply only to specific menu items, please contact for assistance. Thanks!