Before you begin:
1) Your Apple Developer Account needs to be enrolled as a Company / Organization Entity
2) In order to enroll as a Company / Organization Entity, Apple requires you to have a DUNS number. If you don't currently have one, you can request one via this link. You can learn more about DUNS here. Note: You can get the Developer Account process started without a DUNS number, but cannot complete registration without it.
Getting started:
To submit an app to the Apple app store, you will first need to register with Apple -- Apple calls this "Setting up a Developer Account".
The good news is, once you have setup your account, we can help you do the rest! Once your account has been approved by Apple, we will help you link it to your app. Then we will submit your app to the Apple App Store for you.
Here's the the process in a nutshell, you will:
- Create an Apple ID account to use for this purpose, if needed, using the link below
- Sign in with your Apple ID and register for the Apple Developer account
- In Programs & Add-ons, click "Join Today"
- Sign up as an Company/Organization in the iOS Developer Program
- Pay Apple's annual $99 fee directly to Apple
- Get an email confirmation with your Apple Credentials
Apple provides instructions along the way, but just in case, here are detailed step-by-step instructions for you.
1. Click here to create an Apple ID if you do not already have one
2. Click Create Apple ID.
3. Provide the following personal information:
Enter your full name.
Enter your email address in the Apple ID field, and create a password that meets all of the required criteria.
Select and answer the security questions.
Enter your date of birth.
(Optional) Provide an additional rescue email address.
Provide your mailing address.
Select your preferred language.
Select whether you would like to receive email updates.
Enter the text you see in the image.
Check the "I have read and agree to the Apple Terms of Service and Apple Customer Privacy Policy." check box.
Click Create Apple ID.
4. Check your email account and verify your email address, by clicking Verify Now>.
5. Enter your credentials, and click Verify Address.
6. Your email is verified.
7. Go back to
8. Click Start Your Enrollment.
9. Review the agreement, select the confirmation check box and click Submit.
10. Note: You must choose "Enroll as an Organization." Enrolling as an individual will not allow your Business Name to be displayed in the App Store. Select your Company/Organization Entity Type and click Continue.
Note: To register as a company, you will need to get a a D-U-N-S number (please review the Enrollment and D-U-N-S requirements)
11. Fill out your contact information.
12. After reviewing the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, check the box to agree and click Continue.
13. Review all your information and click Continue.
14. Click Purchase to complete your purchase (an annual fee of $99).
15. Enter your payment information and click Continue.
That's it! Once you have completed the payment process, all you have to do is wait for an email from Apple approving your payment.
Please Note: The payment verification might take a few days (in some cases up to two weeks). Once approved, your iTunes Connect account will automatically be opened by Apple (submitting an app to the Apple App Store requires an iTunes connect account, which is separate from a developer account).
About App Statuses on iTunes Connect
Once your app is submitted to Apple for approval, your app status will change a few times before going live on the Apple App Store. You can check your app status at any time by signing in to your iTunes Connect account then clicking the My Apps button.
App Statuses
Prepare for Submission: SpeedETab is preparing to upload your app and submit it to Apple. At this step, please sign in to your AppleDeveloper Account and ensure that all contracts are signed and no contracts are marked as "pending." Pending contracts will delay your app from being approved and released on the App Store for your customers to download.
Waiting for Review: SpeedETab has submitted your app to Apple and it is waiting in line to be reviewed by an Apple quality assurance representative. Wait times can vary anywhere between 2 and 14 business days.
In Review: An Apple quality assurance representative is currently testing all features in your new app to ensure it meets Apple's standards. This process typically takes anywhere between a few hours and a few business days to complete.
Pending Contract: Apple has detected you have not yet signed and agreed to all contracts required to publish your app. Sign in to your Apple Developer Account and ensure that all contracts are signed and no contracts are marked as "pending." Pending contracts will delay your app from being approved and released on the App Store for your customers to download.
Ready for Sale: Apple has fully approved your app and is releasing it on the App Store. You will receive an email when your app is ready for sale. However, it can take a few hours before you can search and find your app on the Apple App Store.
Click here for more information on Apple App Store statuses.