Please send your design assets to your onboarding manager and/or and have the assets properly named per the below. Thank you!
In order to build your app and web ordering experience, SpeedETab requires the below items. It may be helpful to reference the SpeedETab White Label Guide PDF that has been sent over by your onboarding manager.
- Primary Color Palette (See page 9 of WL Guide)
- Provide HEX code of primary color by sending .PNG or .JPG screenshot of color
- Please name the asset: HEX-[HEX#]
- App Icon (See page 5 of WL Guide)
- Must be .PNG format; Square with no rounded corners
- Dimensions: 1024 x 1024
- Should not have copy or merchant name
- Please name the asset: app_icon
- Launch Logo 1 (See page 9 of WL Guide)
- Must be transparent background .PNG
- Dimensions: 240 x 240
- Please name the asset: whitelabel-launch-logo
- Launch Logo 2 (See page 9 of WL Guide)
- Must be transparent background .PNG
- Dimensions: 915 x 480
- Should be same asset as Launch Logo 1, but with padding/space on left and right
- Please name the asset: WIDE-branding_image
- Previous Order Display (See page 11 & 12 of WL Guide)
- .JPEG or .PNG format
- Dimensions: 915 x 270
- Please name the asset: default_cover_photo
- Web Ordering Hero Image (Image on right side of this page)
- .JPEG or .PNG format
- Dimensions: 1250 x 1000
- This will be the main branding image on the online ordering component. (Example here is the photo of 2 iced drinks)
- Please name the asset: web_hero
- Venue Listing Images (See page 11 of WL Guide)
- .JPEG or .PNG format
- Dimensions: 915 x 270
- Please provide an image for each location that will be shown on the SpeedETab platform. Representative of specific location look and feel. Exterior images are preferred.
- Please name the asset: [location name]_venue_image
Please send your design assets to your onboarding manager and/or and have the assets properly named per the above. Thank you!