Having a branded app for your restaurants is great! But the next step is maximizing the number of users within the app. Let's discuss a some of the marketing techniques that have been successful for our clients in the past to promote their new mobile ordering application:
- Staff Training
- In-Store Visual Marketing
- Social Media
1) Staff Training
For starters, we recommend that all employees are well informed about the app and its capabilities (even if they will not be affected by it).
However, cashiers will be the vital element of spreading the news about your new app. Consumers that are checking out may not know about the new mobile ordering app and it is a great idea to teach the cashiers a way to mention it. (i.e. Have you heard about our new mobile ordering app? or Check out our app in the App Store and save 5$ on your next order!)
Which leads into the next technique...
2) In-Store Visual Marketing
For those cashier interactions mentioned above, it would be a good idea to have an informational flyer or card about the app on display near the register or handed to each customer by the cashier.
Some examples from our client, Rice Mediterranean Kitchen, in South Florida:
A) Promotional Cards
B) Promotional Flyer
We have also seen clients utilize window signage, door stickers, and more to communicate to in-store customers and those passing by about their new app.
SpeedETab does offer services to help with In-Store Marketing. If this is something that you are interested in, please contact asalazar@speedetab.com.
3) Social Media
We recommend adding information about your new app (and any intro promotions) to your:
- Yelp
- Company Website
This is a very effective way to reach customers who are already connected with your brand and are prime candidates for app download. Further, we highly recommend creating Facebook and/or Instagram posts to share the news about your new app.
4) E-mail
Last, but not least: e-mail. Your business has likely accumulated a large list of contact e-mails over the course of its life. We recommend sending an e-mail blast to this list of people, sharing the news of the new application launch and any corresponding promotions.