We are looking for approval on 3 items. They are the fixed assets. Read more below the picture.
- Fixed Assets - those that can't be changed/updated without resubmission to the App Store. They are the following 3 items:
- #1 (yellow): App Icon/Display Name (screen 1)
- #2 (blue): Home Page Logo (screen 2)
- #3 (green): Color Palette (Color shown on buttons throughout (Top Toolbar, Add To Order, Place Order)
If you approve, please let your onboarding manager know so that app development can begin. If you'd like changes made to one of the 3 elements listed above, please communicate those changes so that updated mockups can be put together.
All other items are Dynamic Assets and can be changed/updated at any time without resubmission. They include:
- Menu
- Menu Items/Images
- Menu Item Description
- Modifiers
- Pricing
- Venue images